Welcome. I’m glad you’re here. And while you’re here I hope you find something that inspires you to get busy in the kitchen.

I’m Romain. I’ve been cooking for a long, long time. Not professionally. But passionately. Obsessively even.

I have more cookbooks than a book store. I shop for food every day. I’m constantly thinking about my next meal. I’m crazy. I know it. But I don’t care. It’s who I am. 

Glebekitchen is not about me. You won’t find stories about my day. Or my dog. Or my family. Not ever.

What you will find is scratch or nearly scratch recipes that have been tested until I am convinced they work. Something you can cook. And be proud of.

Some of the dishes are a bit complicated. Might seem a bit fussier than they need to be. But there’s a reason. Each step contributes something. Depth of flavour. Texture. Something. And those steps all contribute to the final dish. 

Every single picture on glebekitchen is taken before I eat. Pictures of my dinner. Literally. Cooked exactly as written. There’s nothing fake here. No tricks. What you see is what you get. What I get is a lot of cold dinners. Takes time to take pictures. 

I do what I do because I want people to get back in the kitchen. To cook. And to cook well. I truly believe that anyone can cook. You just have to try.

Glebekitchen. Asian exuberance with classic technique. I hope you find something here that inspires you.

Life’s too short for bad food.

