Turkey noodle soup from scratch is about the best thing you can do with your leftover turkey. Deep turkey flavour, tender noodles and incredible mouthfeel make this version special.
cornish hen with mustard cream sauce
Cornish hen with mustard cream sauce is long on style and short on work. Roast the hens. Maybe baste them once along the way. Whip up a quick reduction sauce and you’re done. It pairs beautifully with potatoes of any sort. Mashed, roasted, or along side a potato galette.
roast duck with parsnip puree and port reduction sauce
Roast duck with parsnip puree drizzled with a rich port reduction is an elegant meal you can serve at any fine dinner party. It’s flashy enough for New Year’s Eve. And it’s not that hard to make. Do it ahead of time. Make the sauce during the afternoon. Reheat the parsnip puree over low heat.
Prep the duck legs ahead of time using sous vide technique. All you have to do is brown them in a pan or under the broiler just before you serve dinner. Restaurants prep everything ahead of time. So can you.
chicken with sun-dried tomato cream sauce
Chicken with sun-dried tomato. A dish that used to be on every menu. A fad that came and went. It’s too bad. Sun-dried tomatoes are a great ingredient. Little tomato flavour bombs in whatever dish they’re used in.
chicken tikka
Chicken tikka is boneless tandoori chicken on a stick. The pieces are smaller. That’s good. More surface equals more seasoning. These are little tandoori flavour bombs.
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chicken chaat salad
Chicken chaat salad. If you are looking for an Indian inspired and absolutely delicious composed salad this is it. Big Indian flavours in a traditional main course salad.