A great shrimp cocktail sauce makes shrimp cocktail. Pure and simple. And it’s so easy to make your own at home. Fresh. Brimming with flavour. Delicious.
concentrated veal stock
Concentrated veal stock is a wonderful, wonderful thing. Any veal stock is good. Use it in your cooking. But concentrated veal stock – that’s magic. Concentrating it makes it easier to store in the freezer. That way, it’s just there and ready when you need it. And you will need it with beef and with lamb. It’s not full blown demi-glace but it adds that unbelievable richness to sauces.
tomatillo salsa
Tomatillo salsa. Big, fresh, vibrant flavours. It’s instant delicious and it’s easy to make at home.
roasted beets and carrots with goat cheese and balsamic glaze
Roasted beets and carrots with crumbled goat cheese and balsamic drizzle. A fantastic side dish for almost any dinner.
homemade turkey dressing – zuni cafe style
Homemade turkey dressing is the ultimate side to any holiday turkey dinner. This one holds it’s own. Really, really good.
best holiday turkey gravy
Layering flavours is the key to making awesome turkey gravy. Quality, concentrated turkey stock is the key to ensuring stellar results every time.