Moroccan chicken and chickpeas. That’s a pretty broad description. This version is a warm dish of onion, garlic, spices and peanut butter. The chicken stays crispy and the chickpeas get meltingly delicious. It just works. And it works well.
french roast chicken with lemon
In France they serve roast chicken with this unbelievable brown sauce. It’s one of the great roast chicken recipes. French roast chicken is up there with Zuni Cafe roast chicken with bread salad and Marcella’s chicken with lemons.
salade lyonnaise
I love salade lyonnaise. It’s an exercise in simplicity. Nothing more than some greens tossed in a bit of French vinaigrette, a poached egg and some bacon. Doesn’t sound like much. But when the yolk, bacon and greens come together in your mouth… Special.
spanish lamb stew
Spanish lamb stew. A lighter stew. A stew for spring and summer. Winter is about beef and red wine. Summer is about lamb and white wine. Everything in balance Everything in season.
If you want to get the results a restaurant gets you need to use the ingredients they do. Demi-glace is one of those ingredients. It’s a flavour bomb.
beef and beer stew – carbonnade a la flamande
Beef and beer stew – carbonnade a la flamande – is all about the beef, the beer and the onions.