
If you like Asian noodles you need to try mee goreng. It’s just a whole lot of crazy delicious in a bowl.

Chewy noodles. Chicken. Shrimp. A little bit spicy. A little bit sweet. Incredibly savoury. How can you not want that?

And it’s a snap to make. Not a whole lot of ingredients. Weekend flash with weeknight effort. 30 minutes and it’s on the table. Less time even.

Forget takeout. Make this. Do it soon.

Mee goreng means fried noodles

That isn’t figurative. Mee goreng (or mie goreng – depends who you ask) literally translates to fried noodles. And that is exactly what this is. With noodles as the star. Tasty, tasty noodles. Who doesn’t want that?

Less is more here. There aren’t a lot of ingredients. Not because that makes it easier. Because it makes it better. And that’s what really matters.

I tinkered with this recipe. I tried adding bean sprouts. Chinese greens. Cabbage. Green onions. Distractions. That’s what I wound up calling extra ingredients.

There’s nothing I would take away in this mee goreng. And there’s nothing I would add. You may think boring. But try it. You’ll see.

Bowl full of men goreng noodles from above.

Malaysian curry powder makes this crazy good

There’s a secret ingredient here. Malaysian curry powder. That’s the fairy dust that makes this dish special. Seriously. The wow. The magic.

I am addicted to the taste of Malaysian curry powder. There. I said it. Full disclosure. So you know where I’m coming from.

Never trust an addict. That’s good advice. Especially if all they are doing is trying to get you to join them. Which is exactly what I’m doing here. You know you want to.

You might need to hunt a bit to get it. Drive around looking to score. But it’s so worth it. The bag says meat curry powder. I say noodle curry powder. Or chicken curry powder. It makes some seriously amazing chicken curry.

I use Baba’s brand. Not because it’s the best. Because that’s what they sell where I live. It’s really good. But I imagine other brands are just as tasty.

Bowl of cooked lo mein noodles from above.

The right noodles for mee goreng

These are fried noodles. So you don’t want too soft going in. Maybe not quite al dente but a little firm. That’s important.

I like fresh lo mein noodles for this dish. Yellow egg noodles. Just the right amount of chew. But that’s me.

I have an Indonesian friend that uses linguine. Mie goreng is fried noodles in Indonesian as well. So she knows what she’s doing.

I’m thinking about trying this with rice noodles. Pad Thai meets mee goreng. The ultimate noodle cage fight. Bottom line. Don’t get too hung up on the noodles you have. Just make this. Eat it. And then you’ll see.

Crazy talk, I know. But this recipe isn’t about following the rules. Fried noodles. Sweet soy and sambal oelek. That’s the guideline. So I figure I’m in bounds here.

Go your own way here if you want. Just please make sure the noodles aren’t too soft going in. Or you will have a tasty bowl of mush. Which is nowhere as good as it should be.

Ingredients matter

That’s the thing about recipes with such a short ingredient list. There’s nowhere to hide. So the soy you choose matters.

I like Thai soy sauce. Use it in almost everything. If it isn’t Japanese and it calls for soy, it’s getting the Thai treatment. Same goes for oyster sauce. I like the Thai version best.

Kecap manis is the classic choice for this dish. For the sweet soy. And if you have it, use it. It’s good. I stock Thai sweet soy. So that’s what I use. I have five different soy sauces in the fridge. Even I don’t have room for another one.

I did a kecap vs Thai tasting. They aren’t all that different. And if you’re wondering – it’s pronounced ketchup. Now you know.

Whatever sweet soy you choose do consider Thai thin soy. For anything that isn’t Japanese it is wonderful stuff. My go to general purpose soy. It’s good stuff.

Bowl of mee goreng from the front.

Sometimes simple is best

This is a deceptively simple recipe. And it has ketchup in it. Not kecap. Ketchup. Which is reason enough for you to run away. I’m pretty sure I would run away as well if I didn’t know better.

But it works. Somehow. The curry flavours against the soy. The acid and tomato and sugar in the ketchup. The chew of the noodles. And no distractions.

No garnishes either. I could have made the pictures look better. A little cilantro. Some chopped peanuts. Pretty green onions. I wanted to. But I couldn’t. Because they don’t add anything. More distractions.

This is how I would make mee goreng if I was running a food stall on the streets of Malaysia. If my livelyhood depended on it. I’d line up for it. And once you try it I bet you would too.

Close-up of mee goreng with chopsticks.
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Mee goreng – Malaysian fried noodles

A little Malaysian curry powder really makes this fried noodle classic sing.
Course Main
Cuisine Malaysian
Keyword mee goreng, mie goreng
Servings 2
Calories 804kcal
Author romain | glebekitchen


Mee goreng sauce

  • 1 tbsp soy sauce – I like Thai thin soy sauce for this
  • 1 tbsp sweet soy – kecap manis or Thai sweet soy
  • 2 1/2 tbsp ketchup – yes, plain old every day ketchup
  • 2 tsp sambal oelek

Mee goreng

  • 3 chicken thighs – cut into 1/2 inch pieces
  • 6 shrimp 31-40 shrimp per pound (large or medium large in the UK)
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • 1 tsp Malaysian curry powder It's called meat powder on the package. You can substitute Madras curry powder.
  • 12 oz fresh yellow noodles cooked
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil plus 1/2 tsp to fry the eggs
  • 2 large eggs lightly scrambled


Prep your sauce

  • Combine the sweet soy, the thin soy, the ketchup and the sambal oelek in a small bowl.
  • Stir and set aside

Make your mee goreng

  • This goes fast. Be ready. Have your ingredients prepped and at hand. Make sure your noodles are cooked. Not a bad idea to leave them in your colander so you can run some hot water over them right before you start to fry them. Hot water will loosen them up so you aren't starting with a big, solid glob of noodles.
  • Heat your wok over medium heat. Non-stick or well-seasoned really helps here. Turn on your hood fan.
  • Stir your eggs to combine the yolks and whites. Add 1/2 tsp of oil. When the oil starts to shimmer add the eggs. Fry the eggs until they start to set up. Break a hole in the middle of the eggs and push the uncooked egg into it. Think omelette.
  • When the eggs are mostly cooked through fold them over themselves (in half) and slide the egg out of the wok onto a plate. Cut the eggs into ribbons. Set aside.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of oil to the wok. Add the chicken. Stir fry until the chicken is almost done. This should take about 4 minutes but check your chicken. You don't want raw chicken. Maybe a little pink at this stage.
  • Add the shrimp and continue to stir fry. You just want them turning pink. Overdone shrimp are expensive pencil erasers. Not good. This should take about a minute for 31-40 count.
  • Add the garlic. Stir fry for about 30 seconds.
  • Look at your pan. Is there still a fair amount of oil in it or is most of it splattered on your stove. If it looks dry add a bit more oil. These are fried noodles. Fried isn't dry roasted.
  • Add the Malaysian curry powder. Stir to combine. You want to see the spices frying in the oil. Cook for about 30 seconds.
  • Crank the heat. Toss in the noodles. Stir fry them carefully. You don't want to break them. but you do want them to get them well coated with oil and frying a bit. Remember, this is fried noodles. Cook for about 90 seconds.
  • Add the sauce. Return the eggs to the pan. Stir to combine. Serve immediately.


Calories: 804kcal | Carbohydrates: 70g | Protein: 49g | Fat: 35g | Saturated Fat: 21g | Cholesterol: 377mg | Sodium: 1577mg | Potassium: 522mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 13g | Vitamin A: 403IU | Vitamin C: 5mg | Calcium: 68mg | Iron: 6mg

12 thoughts on “Mee goreng – Malaysian fried noodles

  1. Dear Romain,

    I could get all the ingredients, even the baba’s Meat powder. Kecap manis we can get here everywhere, due to the Indonesian kitchen being around. It gives such a pleasure to cook this dish, it’s fun cooking for me. And it tasted incredible, this is another hit from your recipe collection, fighting for no.1 with the Easy Thai Pad. While tasting the dish, I was wondering about that certain flavor in the meat powder. It turned out to be the fennel. And the star anise. The balance of the meat powder is amazing, really different from Indian spice mixes. Again, the pan is empty! And I agree, it needs no peanuts, cilantro or whatever. It is perfect as it is, and just sooo good! I have one question, though: I made the omelet as described in the recipe, it says: “set aside”. But then the omelet is not mentioned anymore. Is it a kind of side dish (that’s how we ate it tonight, we just added it to the dish on the plate)? Or does it have to be added to the dish while cooking? I guess both is fine for the taste, I am just curious what the original idea was.
    And at this moment we are having an after-dinner-drink. In a way, this dish called for it, I am sorry! In the fridge we have a good bottle of Ouzo. Strange idea perhaps, but it finished this dish perfectly. I hope that this is not a curse! Romain, thank you so much again for another no.1-dish. We love it!

    Kind regards,

    • Great to hear! That Babas meat powder is magic stuff. Try the Kari Ayam recipe next. That recipe uses a lot of it. And an after dinner drink sounds lovely:-).

      As always – thank you so much for the thoughtful review and especially for catching my omission on the eggs. I have corrected the error. Appreciate that very much!

  2. Hey Romain
    I have been following your recipes for a while now, once again this one was the bomb. You make the recipes so easy to follow and fun. Keep them coming.
    Got to admit it I am excited about the recipes involving the hotel curry gravy.
    Love your work

    • Thank you for the kind words! Glad you liked this one. It’s a big favourite around here as well. The Malaysian curry powder is wonderful stuff.

      The hotel curry gravy is a game changer in my opinion. Hope you try it soon.

  3. We made this last week and it was 5 star delicious. We’re on a wee Scottish island in lockdown so Malaysian curry powder wasn’t an option so used Barts medium curry powder. Also I see standard soy sauce and sriracha sauce as no Sambal Oelek. Absolutely delicious and so quick and fuss free to make with minimal washing up. Will now be a regular weekly dish. Courtesy of Amazon I now have Babas curry powder and Sambal Oelek. Thai soy sauce on order. What’s best of all is that we now plan to try many of your other recipes. Thank you and keep safe.

    • Thank you so much for saying. I’m so glad you liked it enough to order all the ingredients. I hope you like the Malaysian curry powder as much as I do. I think it’s crazy tasty stuff!

      You keep safe as well.

  4. This looks like it will be my new favourite thing!! I’ve been searching for a good mee goreng recipe and also another Malaysian noodle dish that has a really dark sauce – can’t remember it’s name!! But what is 31-40 count shrimp? I’m in Scotland so am assuming it’s a Canadian/ American measure of size? Keep up the good work – your curry base recipe is amazing and I have a whole list of other recipes I want to try.

    • Awesome and thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement. This is one of my new favourite things as well.

      I did some googling and the Canadian 31/40 count appears to be equivalent to large or medium large shrimp in the UK. 31/40 means 31-40 shrimp per pound. I will clarify that in the post. Thanks for the insight!

  5. Looks awesome, I’m gonna try it if I can find the curry powder. I might suggest you add a few pics of the more unique ingredients, like kecap manis and the curry powder. Good job as usual!

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